Genealogy and Family tree design

Do not think

editso much about it. Just send a mail.

That way you will quickly find out, if I have something to offer you with regards to your ancestors.

If you only need a LITTLE information, the service is free.

It is also OK to ask for help to get started in searching yourself.

But if you need me to do a major work regarding your ancestors, there will be a fee. The costs vary, depending on your wishes, but I will give an exact quote, if you tell me what you want me to do.

None of my customers so far have been disappointed over the outcome and the price.

- a link to your ancestors


New in 2018

chatDescendant tree to get an overview of the entire family.


edit2Send mail and get a quote on researching your ancestors in Norway and Denmark

Created by us in Freeway pro from Softpress